Tropica Plants

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Anubias gracilis

Western Africa is home to several species of Anubias, including this one. The triangular leaves of 5-10 cm on long leaf-stems make Anubias gracilis...
Anubias Featured Plants Pots Tropica Plants

Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosanervig'

Plant in 5 cm pot. Vibrant pink leaves with light nerves characterize this vigorous culture form. The plant has a compact form of growth,...
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Staurogyne repens

Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium and it was found in River Rio Cristalino...
T 049G
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Ludwigia repens 'Rubin'

Variety of Ludwigia repens from North America with striking dark red leaves and stalk. Stems from 20-50 cm and 4-6 cm wide. It provides...
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity. When...
Featured Plants Grass Pots Tropica Plants

Anubias barteri var. nana

Anubias barteri var. nana is a small, attractive plant that thrives in all conditions. It originates from Cameroon and will reach 5-10 cm height....
T 101
Anubias Pots Tropica Plants

Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink'

Plant in 5 cm pot. The pink underside of the leaves of Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' provides an effective contrast to the many green plants in an aquarium...
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia

Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia originates from an Australian tissue propagation laboratory. It is a very beautiful variety with heart-shaped leaves. The leaves live for...
T 101U
Anubias Pots Tropica Plants

Echinodorus grisebachii 'Bleherae'

Echinodorus bleheri from South America is undemanding and beautiful and becomes 20-50 cm tall. A nutritious bottom promotes growth, but the plant needs pruning...
T 071
Pots Swords Tropica Plants

Microsorum pteropus

Plant in 5 cm pot. Microsorum pteropus is a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall. To be grown on a root or stone,...
Pots Rhizome Tropica Plants

Cryptocoryne beckettii 'Petchii'

Cryptocoryne beckettii 'Petchii' is a small variety of Cryptocoryne beckettii from Sri Lanka, which has beautiful, slightly fluted leaf margins, 10-15 cm long. Leaves...
Crypt Pots Tropica Plants

Limnophila sessiliflora

Limnophila sessiliflora is a pretty and undemanding plant from South-East Asia. A great alternative to Cabomba, which requires a lot of light. Stems grow...
T 047
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Eleocharis parvula

A low-growing Eleocharis that forms runners close to the parent plant. It is prettiest planted in small bunches quite close to each other, which...
T 132C
Carpeting Pots Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Limnobium laevigatum

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Limnobium laevigatum from South America is a decorative floating plant that is particularly suitable for open...
063 TC
1-2-Grow! Floating Tropica Plants

Lagenandra Meeboldii 'Red'

This plant is originally from India and is quite similar to a medium-sized, broad-leaved Cryptocoryne. It can be used in the aquarium like Cryptocorynes,...
T 103
Pots Swords Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Eleocharis Pusilla

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Eleocharis acicularis 'mini' has even lower growth than the common Eleocharis parvula and was given to Tropica by...
T 132B TC
1-2-Grow! Tropica Plants

Rotala rotundifolia

The Latin name means "the plant with the round leaves'', but this only applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. Rotala rotundifolia...
T 033
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow'

Plant in 5 cm pot. Microsorum pteropus is a highly variable species, and new varieties are easily bred. Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' has narrower leaves,...
T 008A
Pots Rhizome Tropica Plants

Bacopa 'Compact'

This culture form of the stalk plant Bacopa Monnieri is more compact and, under good light conditions, almost a creeping plant. By pinching off...
T 044A
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. This miniature version of the well-known Alternanthera is characterized by compact growth and a slower growth rate. It...
023C TC
1-2-Grow! Tropica Plants

Helanthium bolivianum 'Quadricostatus'

Helanthium ‘Quadricostatus’ from South America has characteristic light green leaves 10-15 cm long which offer a great contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It...
T 068
Pots Tropica Plants

Bucephalandra 'Kedagang'

The ‘Kedagang’ is a variety of the Bucephalandra family originated in Borneo. It is characterized by long, narrow, dark green leaves with white dots....
T 139B
Pots Rhizome Tropica Plants

Taxiphyllum Barbieri

Taxiphyllum barbieri from South-East Asia is a hardy plant which makes few demands on the water or light. The moss becomes 3-10 cm thick...
003 POR
Moss Moss In Portions Tropica Plants

Hygrophila Corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B'

Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B' is a variety of Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis'. This Hygrophila 'Siamensis 53B' forms an incredible amount of side shoots and becomes...
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping'

Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping', commonly known as Weeping Moss, is believed to originate from China and has been distributed by Oriental Aquarium Plants. 'Weeping' is...
T 003B POR
Moss Moss In Portions Tropica Plants

Taxiphyllum 'Spiky'

‘Spiky’ is Asiatic and grows 2-10 cm tall. Best described as Christmas moss' big brother, it is bigger and forms many deep green, branched...
T 003G POR
Moss Moss In Portions Tropica Plants

Cryptocoryne albida 'Brown'

This little Cryptocoryne comes from Asia and grows naturally in for instance Thailand. The narrow, red-brown leaves have clear, black patterns and beautifully waving...
Crypt Pots Tropica Plants
Out of stock

Anubias barteri var. nana 'Large'

Anubias barteri var. nana is a small, attractive plant which thrives in all conditions. It originates from Cameroon and will reach 5-10 cm height....
Anubias Pots Tropica Plants
$24.99 $19.99

1-2-Grow! Marsilea hirsuta

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Marsilea hirsuta is a carpet-plant from Australia. A fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a...
010 TC
1-2-Grow! Carpeting Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Hydrocotyle tripartita

Hydrocotyle sp."Japan" is the popular name of the plant in different plant forums. It is a variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from South-East Asia. It...
T 039B TC
1-2-Grow! Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Bucephalandra 'Needle Leaf'

  Though Bucephalandras are from Asia and Anubias fom Africa, they have a lot in common, including how to grow them.  Bucephalandra sp. 'Needle...
139C TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Tropica Plants

Hygrophila Pinnatifida

Hygrophila pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy colour underneath. It forms multiple horizontal shoots...
T 051A
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Anubias barteri var. glabra

Anubias barteri var. angustifolia from West Africa is a beautiful plant with long, narrow leaves. 10-20 cm tall with a rhizome, from which the...
Anubias Pots Tropica Plants

Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan'

Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' grows in Asia and Africa - and this variant of the species originates from southern Taiwan. The rosette plant can become 15-25...
T 041B
Bulb Featured Plants Pots Tropica Plants

Cryptocoryne wendtii

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green' presents beautiful, green leaves. Depending on your aquarium setup wendtii ‘Green' can reach a height of 10-30 cm with rosets ranging from...
T 109
Crypt Pots Tropica Plants

Anubias 'Petite'

Anubias sp. ‘Petite’ is a mutation which appeared in cultivation at the Oriental aquarium plant nursery in Singapore. Stays less than 5 cm tall,...
T 101H
Anubias Pots Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Helanthium tenellum 'Green'

Previously named Echinodorus tenellus 'Green'. This small rosulate plant will easily make a 5-10 cm high carpet when the light is good and the...
067A TC
1-2-Grow! Carpeting Tropica Plants

Hydrocotyle Tripartita

Hydrocotyle sp.'Japan' is the popular name of the plant in different plant forums. It is a variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from South-East Asia. It...
Pots Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Monosolenium tenerum

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. The Asian Monosolenium tenerum is an attractive liverwort, 2-5 cm high, which looks most like a...
T 002C TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Moss Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam'

In nature, Bucephalandra usually grows on rocks or wood in rivers and streams - much like Anubias, which they resemble regarding use and care...
139 TC
1-2-Grow! Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Hottonia palustris

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. The stem plant Hottonia from Asia and Europe is an unassuming and easy beginner plant. The...
T 027 TC
1-2-Grow! Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity. When...
040 TC
1-2-Grow! Tropica Plants

Items 1 to 42 of 76 total

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